The Importance of Daily Bible Reading

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Having access to the Bible is a tremendous blessing that we often take for granted. For much of history, the Word of God was either not accessible or not readable for the common person. By God’s providence, we live in a time that the Bible is both accessible to us and readable. We not only have traditional paper Bibles, but also access to digital versions on our smartphones, tablets, and computers. If that wasn’t enough we can purchase a Bible in virtually any size and color we like. See our previous post on choosing a Bible translation.

Why read the Bible each day?

Much like physical food, we need to be nourished with spiritual truth through God’s Word. When we deprive ourselves of spiritual truth, we more easily fall prey to sinful patterns and other forms of worldliness that hinder our sanctification as believers. Psalm 119:11 says “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 warns the Roman believers to “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Reading Scripture on a daily basis provides us with a means to renew and transform our minds to ensure they are aligned with God’s precepts.

Rely on the Holy Spirit

Before reading the Bible each day, it is important to ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand what we are reading. The Psalmist says in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.” Starting our reading time with a prayer like this will help align our hearts and minds to receive the truth in God’s Word.

What should I read?

A common issue that Christians can run into is determining what exactly to read each day. There is a misconception that “more is better” when it comes to reading the Bible. People may be tempted to feel more holy and closer to God the more verses or chapters they read in a day. While there may be a time for extended reading, more often the most benefit is derived from short passages or paragraphs rather than multiple chapters. Slowing down and reading carefully allows God’s truth to more effectively penetrate our hearts and minds.

Back to the question, “What should I read”? For a newer Christian, trying to read the entire Bible in a year may not be the best approach yet. Reading the Gospel of John or the book of Romans would be better suited in order to grasp the central themes of Christianity first. Start by carefully reading a chapter or even half a chapter each day. Having a good study bible to assist you in understanding the text are great helps. I highly recommend the ESV Study Bible or the MacArthur Study Bible. For those who have been Christians for longer, start a reading plan that goes through the Bible in a year. If that is too much to commit to, then find a two-year plan that goes a bit slower. There are many reading plans out there that can fit into your particular lifestyle and comfort level.

The most important thing regarding Bible reading is getting the habit formed. Setting aside 15-20 minutes each day is all that is needed to get the habit started. Once the habit is formed, reading the Bible won’t be intimidating anymore as it will become part of your daily routine. You will grow to enjoy this time of fellowship with the Lord and you will “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” You will begin to understand things that were unclear before as God’s Holy Spirit illumines the truth of His Word. Don’t forget the immense privilege we have of reading the very words of God!